Finding the Right Physical Therapy Specialist for Your Back Pain

Certain kinds of back conditions do not require jumping into extreme treatments, such as surgery, in order to obtain a cure.  Oftentimes, doctors will simply require you to undergo non-invasive and natural treatments, such as physical therapy, to help alleviate...

Common Questions About Scoliosis Surgery

The medical industry deems surgery a cure for spinal conditions such as scoliosis. However, it poses so many risks and complications that, even if it can cure a person’s condition, it is causing some patients to think twice.  Below are some common questions...

Benefits of Undergoing Whole Body Vibration Treatment

Exercise is one of the many ways for a person to stay healthy and fit. The rigorous movement of the body enables it to eliminate excess fat and stimulate and strengthen the muscles, bones, and nerves. However, for some people, exercise is too painful and strenuous,...

Physical Therapy Exercises for Post-Surgery Recovery

Many people believe that undergoing surgery can immediately cure their spinal condition and eliminate back pain. However, that notion is not entirely true because a greater number of patients still experience pain following surgery. As a result, longer recovery...

Physical Therapy for Pain Relief

When a person experiences pain in their body, their natural reaction is to limit movement for fear of it making the pain worse.  Physical therapists, however, believe the opposite is true.  These experts in natural pain management say that the less you move,...