Scoliosis and Fear

Scoliosis It’s a natural human tendency to fear what we don’t know. Unfortunately, scoliosis has long been a condition full of unknowns. Why does it occur? Why does it progress in some and not in others? And perhaps most importantly, how can we effectively treat it?...

Active Release Techniques NYC

What is the Active Release Treatment (ART)? The Active Release Treatment (ART) alleviates afflictions in the musculoskeletal system. An ART session always deals with the patient as an individual. After carefully studying the patient’s condition, chiropractors utilize...

The Emotional Side of Scoliosis

At CLEAR Scoliosis Treatment Center of New York, we know that treating patients with scoliosis is not simply a matter of shifting their bones and rebuilding their muscles. Like any disease, having scoliosis can impact a person on a deep emotional level, and while most...

Exercises for Back Pain Patients

Previously on this blog we mentioned exercises that Scoliosis patients should avoid – so here are a few that are appropriate for patients with back pain. People with back pain often find it hard to stay comfortable for long periods of time, especially if their...

Shoveling Snow Safely

Every year, the dreaded snow storm hits. At this time we all look for our shovels buried somewhere in the attic, and think to ourselves “I hope I don’t blow out my back today.” Well, you don’t have to. With these tips, you’ll be sure to remain safe and healthy....