Almost nothing is ever counseled on the subject of breathing at either the beginning or advanced levels of training. Occasionally one will receive the obligatory disclaimer, “Exhale while lifting,” or “Don’t hold your breath!” Even the exercise participant himself...


Much has been published on optimal exercise training, and in particular which specific exercises maximize the individual’s ideal functional outcome best. Invariably the question will arise, “Is this exercise functional?” The onus is unrightfully placed on the trainer...

Nutrition Wellness: Truth about Supplements

Nutrition Wellness: Truth about supplements As nutrition wellness advocates, ESPRIT WELLNESS encourages you to turn to a diet of nutrient rich foods to ensure optimal nutrition. However, clients suffering from specific conditions, feel that their circumstance require...

Chiropractor NYC: Strong, Straight & Healthy Back Tips

CHIROPRACTOR NYC: TIPS FOR HEALTHY BACKS Our backs have to endure a great deal of abuse on a daily basis. They have to keep us upright and in motion, as well as support our bodies and allow them to bear weight. So, ensuring that your back is strong, straight, and...

Chiropractic Care: Gets to the Root, for Life

How many healthy meals does it take to lose 20 lbs? Or how many miles on the treadmill does it take to shed 5 inches? Obviously it takes more than one, and you’ve got to stick with it to maintain the results. Well, the same goes for your Chiropractic care. It...