Different Types of Scoliosis Curves

Scoliosis is characterized by the abnormal curvature of the spine that often manifests before or during adolescence. There are many different types of scoliosis curvature patterns, each with its own particular characteristics and symptoms, but the severity cannot...

Finding the Right Physical Therapy Specialist for Your Back Pain

Certain kinds of back conditions do not require jumping into extreme treatments, such as surgery, in order to obtain a cure.  Oftentimes, doctors will simply require you to undergo non-invasive and natural treatments, such as physical therapy, to help alleviate...

Does Your Child Need Pediatric Physical Therapy?

Children who have developmental delays or birth defects or those who have experienced an injury or chronic disease can now find natural relief through pediatric physical therapy. Through a series of safe and effective treatments, including exercise and massage,...

Spinal Decompression for Back Pain: Is It Worth the Money?

Chronic back pain can cause a person to regularly suffer and compromise on daily activities, including sleep, walking, and household work. The incessant pain prompts the need to find immediate relief, and that sometimes involves surgical procedures, even though they...

Spinal Deformity: Enhancing Self-Image

Spinal deformity among adolescents and adults has become not just a health problem, but also a physical dilemma. The abnormal curvature of the spine often causes patients to have lower self-esteem because they think that they are different from others. ...

Acupressure Points That Pregnant Women Should Avoid

Pregnant women need to feel relaxed at all times during the course of their pregnancy. The weight gain and pain pregnant women go through can cause a lot of stress, which, in turn, can be a critical factor in provoking contractions prior to the due date or leading to...