Every child needs strong bones to help them grow. Unfortunately, there are children that suffer from bone or spinal disorders such as scoliosis that can actually hamper their growth process.  Because the curvature of their spinal column is just starting to manifest, children usually experience milder levels of scoliosis.  However, even at that level, the condition can still cause complications, and instead of passing their childhood days in an active, carefree way, children with scoliosis can sometimes find it difficult to perform certain activities and occasionally experience pain in their spine.  That’s why it is critically important to begin treating scoliosis as soon as it is discovered.

Many parents who have children with scoliosis opt for surgery in order to bring back the child’s spine back into normal alignment. They believe that undergoing surgery will immediately return the spinal column to its normal state, thus placing their child back on the road to proper growth.  Unfortunately, however, that may not always be the case.

A number of studies have shown that scoliosis surgery cannot fully reinstate the normal curve of the spine.  Beyond that, there are many complications that can arise during and after scoliosis surgery that may be worse than having no surgery at all.  The process of scoliosis surgery requires the fusion of bones, and it usually takes weeks, and even months, for the fusion to fully set.  After surgery, while the fusion is still solidifying, the patient will experience severe back pain, and unfortunately, in some cases, that pain may become chronic.

Oftentimes, the bones do not fuse together the first time and a second surgery is required.  Going through yet another major surgery is a very traumatic experience, and children who have to go through several surgeries are often affected psychologically.

The risk of inhibited bone growth after surgery is often greater than the risks posed by not undergoing surgery at all.  It is often advised to seek alternative and non-invasive treatments before  risking these complications to a child.

If we come to think of it, many cases of children’s scoliosis are still at a mild level. So, it is best for us to seek first safer and less risky options in treating our child’s scoliosis than having to let them experience a more severe treatment like scoliosis surgery.

-Dr Sid
Esprit Wellness
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